Florante Pascual's Profile Photo
Florante Pascual's Profile Photo


"name": "Florante F Pascual, Jr",

"occupation": "Web Developer",

"interests": ["bowling", "music"]


Crafting Seamless Digital Experiences with Full-Stack and AI Development

Angular 17

Demo App

Featured App


App Development Sampler

  • Realtime display of Crypto Currencies with Backend API

  • Contacts Manager

  • Internationalization (i18n)

  • Light and Dark Mode

  • TypeScript/JavaScript on Angular with Material and Tailwind CSS

  • Firebase Serverless for scalable backend hosting, database and compute services

Specialized Web App

  • Angular Web App sleek design with Material UI

  • Tailwind CSS for a polished, responsive interface

  • Cloud Firestore for fast data retrieval and updates

  • Firebase Authentication for secure access

  • Firebase serverless compute for efficient scalable backend

  • Firebase Storage for integration of media assets


Shopify Online Store

Lightweight App


Turnkey Development Project

  • Shopify Store Customization

  • Branding and creatives

  • Product Listing and Pricing

  • Drop Shipment Order Integration

  • Secure payment gateways, shipping options and tax settings

  • Currency, language and region

  • Social media handles and assets

Matching app for Interactive Mugs

  • TypeScript/JavaScript on Angular with Material and Tailwind

  • Firebase Serverless for scalable backend hosting, database and compute services

  • Jira for Project Management and GitHub for source control

  • Canva, GIMP and Blender for graphics and video editing

YouTube Channel

AI Chatbot Series

Developers in AI


5-part Series (15 min / video)

Lightweight design using only HTML, CSS and plain JavaScript:

  1. Build the Prototype

  2. Build Backend API to OpenAI

  3. Refactor Prototype for Embedding

  4. Bundle using WebPack

  5. Embed to any Website

The Unwavering Importance of Developers in the Age of AI

About Me

I like to think of myself as not just another developer. I'm a passionate coder with a heart that beats for the community. Fluent in JavaScript, I click through the digital landscapes, composing user experiences on the Angular Framework. From Firebase Hosting to Serverless Compute and Storage, I bring my keystrokes to life on the Google Cloud.

Learn more

But there's more to my digital saga. Amid crafting robust real-time databases with Cloud FireStore and orchestrating secure authentication with Twilio, I have embarked on a mission of goodwill. I have started to share snippet nuggets on GitHub and made tutorials on YouTube. As of late, I am into custom GPTs and AI integration.

When not immersed in pixels and brackets, you'll find me grooving to 80s retro beats or soaking into the soulful vibes of contemporary jazz. In the family realm, I play the roles of husband and father to three children. On my culinary side, seafood is my canvas, and the barbecue grill my playground. My Sunday weekend duties at the Church provide purpose and restorative downtime.

Tools of the Trade

Tailwind CSS
Cloud FireStore
AI Integration

Let's build great things

Drop me a note if you've got ideas, queries, compliments, or insults brewing in your brilliant mind. It's your world, express yourself—free will and all that jazz.